Tuesday, December 4, 2012

No hay Nadie Aqui!

No hay nadie aquí.
Por favor siga su paso.
Madre, padre, hermano, hermana, tía, prima, amiga, amigo, colega, conocido, conocida, extraño, extraña, gente que ame, gente que lastime, gente que asuste, gente que ayude, gente que hice daño…
Ya no hay nadie aquí..
Allí les dejo mi historia,
Un holograma, una idea…
Pero yo ya no estoy aquí.
Este cuerpo esta “Vacante”  
su habitante ha emigrado a otra parte.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Gracias Madre :-)

mi mama Sonia me mando un mensaje de texto por mi cumpleaños ayer.  
no supe que decir y solo le conteste con un  “gracias ;-)”. 
(Nótese la carita feliz)

no es la gran cosa 
es solo un mensaje de texto…

pero primero lo quise ignorar,
paso segundo me dio un nudo en la garganta y
mis ojos se llenaron de lagrimas…
paso tercero quise contener esa reacción
y puse a un lado eso, para contestar con amabilidad
con un ‘gracias ;-) ‘

Resolví ponerlo a un lado y dejarlo ir
Como un acontecimiento chiquito
Como un texto entre otros textos que recibí
De familiares y amigos felicitándome por mi cumpleaños.

Otro intercambio de palabras amables,
Letras que se juntaron una con la otra
Y Formaron  palabras
En una típica danza orquestada
por el viejo y conocido protocolo social

“eso es todo..eso es todo lo que es…nada más”  

Sera coincidencia entonces
que esta mañana, mientras compraba mi café en la cafetería 
la chica Mexicana, con la que siempre hablo en Español 
me pregunto:  “a donde fuiste a celebrar anoche?”
a punto de contestarle estaba cuando ella se apresuro a decir

“Sabes? yo pensé que tal vez habías ido a comer a un restaurante 
vegetariano que está en la Misión que se llama:

"Gracias Madre"  

Hace mucho que te quería decir de este restaurante, dicen que es muy bueno”

Prometi visitar el restaurante en algún futuro cercano

Y de manera automática, casi inconciente
resolví poner esa conversación a un lado
Como un acontecimiento chiquito
Como una sugerencia entre muchas sugerencias de restaurantes buenos que
He escuchado a lo largo de mi vida… 

Sin embargo las mismas letras
Regresaron hoy a mi conciencia
Y se arreglaron una junto a la otra
como una continuación de la danza
que empezó con el mensaje de texto
continuo con la recomendación del restaurante
y continua con este escrito
“Gracias Madre ;-)” 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"I was hid behind"

I was hid behind
The big tree
That was knocked down
Or fallen
And I could see these
Germans in the woods
Accross this big field
And I saw this young kid
Crawling up my ditch
Straight towards my tree
So I let him crawl
I didn't fire at him
but when he got up
Within 3 or 4 feet of me
I screamed at him to surrender
And instead of surrendering
He started to pull his gun
Towards me
Which was instant death
For him
But this young man
He was a blond
Blue eyes
Fair skin
So handsome
He was like a little angel
But I still had to shoot him
And it didn't bother me
The first night 

I was so tired
but the second night
I woke up crying
Because that kid
Was there
And to this day
I wake up
Many nights
over this kid
I still see him
In my dreams
And I don't know
How to get him
Off my mind...

From Joseph Robertson: A German in the Woods 
The former U.S. infantryman shares his bitter memories in the battlefield with the German soldiers.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Orphan Princes

We came from the same land
We are brothers
And sisters
of the same mother
I knew you from long ago
Before we were born…

Mother gave birth
one day her pregnant womb
Was ripped open violently
By men raised in arms

Our Father..
El Padre Nuestro
The Savior
El Salvador 
Descended from
the heavens
And raped her
Virgin soul.

She bled until death
Under the burning sun
Of San Salvador
Among shrieks of pain
And songs of revolution

My brother
You and I
The orphan Princes
Baring the karmas
Of our mother
And the karmas
of our father

We travel through the web
Of this organic cell
Continuing the mission
Of the ones before us…
From way, way back
Before we were even born. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

There will always be...

There will always be
That afternoon
When the sun
Directed its light
On our direction
and our lips were burning
Feeling the light
With all its splendor

There will always be
A song
In the air
It will turn into
A boat made of paper
And will takes us
To that one day
You and I met

There will always be
A dream
A ghost
Of our image
Crossing our path
It will feel real
For a very short moment

There will always be
A poem
Like this one
I write
In the web
Of our subconcious

You might never know
I wrote it

I might never know if
You read it!

But there will always
Be a poem

Sunday, March 4, 2012


You are

When you
Are not defined

With the name
You have a
Short linguistic life...

A flower dies

With no name

No word to hold you down

No conditions to attach

You are eternal

Eres la infinidad

Para siempre


Up in the air

Let it move,

Is up in the air

Like the sides

Of a spining dice

Let it dance

Up in the air

Where is an expectation

Not an answer

Once defined

Is dead

But in the air

Is alive

When spins

Like a dice

Where all

Possibilities are
